Groups & others that deal with water issues
Water Quantity & Quality
Montana Watershed Coordination Council: The Montana Watershed Coordination Council (MWCC) is an inclusive partnership to enhance, conserve, and protect natural resources and sustain the high quality of life in Montana for present and future generations using a collaborative watershed approach.
Montana DEQ – Water Quality Planning: The ARRA provides funds for drinking water and wastewater infrastructure projects statewide. The ARRA specifically targets projects under the SRF programs that can move forward quickly and provide the needed improvements to local communities intended under these programs.
Hydrologic Information and Data for Montana: The U.S. Geological Survey currently operates about 400 data collection sites in Montana for acquiring information on surface-water, ground-water, water-quality, and precipitation. Many of these sites are equipped with satellite telemetry, which provides real-time data via GOES satellites and downlinks, which enables the posting of data to the Web for public dissemination.
Montana Water Center: Montana’s clearinghouse for water information.
MT DEQ – Non-point Source Program: This program’s goal is to protect and restore water quality from the impacts of nonpoint sources of pollution in order to provide a clean and healthy environment.
Montana Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL): A Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) is a term used to describe a plan for restoring impaired waters by identifying the maximum amount a certain pollutant can appear in the waterbody each day before it becomes impaired.” The sediment TMDL and metals TMDL have been created by the Montana DEQ.
Montana Weed Control Association: The mission of the Montana Weed Control Association is to strengthen, support, and coordinate weed management efforts in the state of Montana in accordance with the Montana State Weed Plan.
Montana Trout Unlimited: Montana Trout Unlimited’s mission is to conserve, protect, and restore Montana’s world-class coldwater fisheries and their watersheds.
Jefferson River Canoe Trail: Seeks to preserve the land and history of the Jefferson River and neighboring segments of the Lewis & Clark National Historic Trail.
George Grant Chapter of Trout Unlimited: The mission of the George Grant Chapter of Trout Unlimited is to preserve, protect and restore the wild trout fisheries of southwest Montana.
Game, Fisheries & Parks
Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks
Reference Websites
Fishing & Waterbody, Restrictions, Closures & Reopenings
Big Hole River Water Commission Drought Management Plan
Upper Missouri Basin Water Supply Report
Water Conservation Throughout the Home